October’s Projects

The Cobargo Community Bushfire Recovery Fund committee met on 15th October and approved four grants.
Quaama Tennis Club: Quaama Tennis court enhancement $5000
Quaama Tennis Club aims to help bushfire recovery by improving social wellbeing and community connectedness within the Quaama community through sport. The project aims to provide a space for the community to come together by making the existing tennis courts a multipurpose sporting space for young and old, including a BBQ area with shelter and additional seating. This grant is contingent of the club raising the totality of the funding in order required to complete the project.
Stonewave Taiko: Holding the Rhythm $7867
The project aims to help recovery by strengthening an existing community music program in Cobargo. Drumming has proven health benefits and Stonewave Taiko’s mission is to build community by sharing Japanese Taiko (drum) culture with local character, developing skills through teaching, training and performing. The Cobargo outreach drumming class at the School of Arts started late in 2018 and has drawn together a group of dedicated players, many new to making music but enthused by the challenge and joy of playing together. The funding will allow purchase of a collection of Taiko drums for the Cobargo group and provide for their storage to allow the further development and expansion of Taiko drumming teaching in Cobargo. Stonewave started back with COVID safe practices in October. and is welcoming new members.
The Cobargo Community Library. $3000
This project by Melissa Pickering and the Cobargo Wellness Group will establish a community lending library. The aim of the library is to build local resiliency by providing books, literature and audio that supports individuals and groups to achieve emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health and wellness. This Library will operate online and provide books and other materials free of charge to participating members. The grant supports the ongoing work of Cobargo Wellness Centre and others to address trauma and other mental and emotional impacts of the fires that continue to affect many members of our community.
Back to Country: Healing the Country of Cobargo to Heal People $15,000
This project by Back To Country is about healing the trauma from the drought, fire, flood and Covid that has had a massive impact on Yuin Country. Back To Country is about taking care of Country, birds, animals etc and bringing Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people back to Country on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level for healing and resilience. Thousands of years of knowledge is available from Country on how to be resilient and people are and can (return) be a part of Country today. This project will provide an opportunity for people to heal with the land, having a belonging and a responsibility for something other than ourselves, and knowing that if we take care of Country we are taking care of ourselves as a community. The project includes a series of workshops that focus on the importance of observing nature to inform us people how to take care of Country and heal ourselves as part of Country, plus ceremony and dance. The project will be led by Yuin Elders, Uncle Max Harrison, Aunty Shirley, Uncle Bruce Pascoe, with Back to Country and members of the Yuin Community.