Four of the key Cobargo community organisations

Cobargo Community Bushfire Recovery fund

Four of the key Cobargo community organisations

The Cobargo Community Bushfire Recovery Fund Inc was set up by four of the key Cobargo community organisations – the Yuin Folk Club, which produces the Cobargo Folk Festival, the Cobargo Show Society which runs the agricultural show, the Cobargo Co-op – a community-owned agriculture co-operative and the Cobargo Bowerbird Opportunity Shop. Our vision is to work with the community and community groups to implement a recovery that ensures Cobargo and the surrounding district not only survives this disaster but emerges as a stronger and united community. Our aim is to provide assistance to relieve the significant and unusual disadvantage of the community of Cobargo, NSW and the surrounding region. This includes Quaama and the surrounding localities, however, we haven’t set a hard and fast geographical boundary, preferring that applications be evaluated on their merits. The fund committee members are all local residents in Cobargo and district: Shane Black, Greg Holland, Debra Summer, Mike Nicholas (Treasurer), Deborah Gough, Don Green, Corrine Harris (Secretary), Zena Armstrong (President), David Wilson. Helen Stafford is the Public Officer. The Committee meets monthly, usually on the third Thursday. Funds are raised through a Go Fund Me campaign and by direct donation to the Fund’s bank account. The fund is a registered charity and is audited by Kothes. Programs and Project Priority AreasThe range and scope of what can be done will be determined by the size of the fund. Some projects may be decided solely by the Fund committee; larger projects may require community consultation. The fund is not designed to meet individual emergency relief needs, nor to duplicate efforts being undertaken by other not-for-profit organisations or government agencies. Only funding applications that aim to meet one (or multiple) priority areas listed below will be considered. Project Priority Areas1. Projects that seek to restore the morale and confidence of the Cobargo and regional community. Applications should outline how projects will: • ensure an inclusive approach to recovery that engages the community; • address the mental and emotional responses arising out of trauma; • focus on vulnerable people or groups within our community 2. Projects that support the continuing development of a creative culture in Cobargo and the district, that meet Priority 1 objectives.3. Projects that support the continuing development of an active physical culture in Cobargo and the district, particularly sports activities, that meet Priority 1 objectives.4. Projects that support the development or restoration of community facilities and spaces. Applications should outline how projects will benefit the community and how they will • consult with the community in the design, implementation and evaluation of the project.5. Projects that seek to restore and diversify the local economy. Applications should outline how projects will • save and create jobs; • encourage business renewal and diversification, including in the farm sector.6. Projects that are focused on environmental rehabilitation, including: • river restoration; • revegetation; • native animal conservation and repopulation; • weed management or feral animal management.7. Improve the disaster resilience of our communities including support for: • the building of a safe haven; • assessments and practical projects to improve village disaster preparedness; • efforts to strengthen critical infrastructure that employ regenerative practices, including micro-grids, solar farms and similar.8. Support and implement projects designed to restore tourism confidence in the region and attract visitors back to the area, including (but not limited to) the arts, music and cultural sector. The fund welcomes applications from community groups. Before lodging an application, applicants should email a short letter of intent to the committee at A committee member will be in touch by phone so include your phone number!

For DONORSThe GoFundMe page is here Direct deposits can be made here:

Cobargo Community Bushfire Recovery Fund

Bendigo BankBSB: 633 000

Account no: 171 210 016

On behalf of theCobargo Community Bushfire Recovery Fund Committee